

What is your name and role at Arcare?
Lee Bellhouse – General Service Manager.

What Arcare residence do you work at?
Arcare Maroochydore.

How long have you been working at Arcare?
Six and a half years. I completed my placement in October 2014 with Arcare Maroochydore and was then employed in a casual position which commenced in February 2015. The beginning of 2016 I was offered a position in reception 3 days a week and continued to work 2 days as a PSW. I then moved over into the payroll position 3 days per week and continued 2 days as PSW. The beginning of 2017 I took on a 12-month contract to cover the position of General Service Manager. At the end of 2018 I was then offered the position as General Service Manager and am still currently in this role. I am very grateful that I have been given the opportunity to progress within the company and work across several different roles.

What do you enjoy about your role and working in aged care?
Working in aged care is extremely rewarding and satisfying. Knowing I am making a positive impact in someone’s daily life gives me great enjoyment. It gives me the opportunity to meet a wide variety of older people and it’s heart-warming listening to their It can be challenging at times but the rewarding feeling I receive from this job, ways out the challenges.

What is a memorable moment or story you recall working at your residence with either a resident or a team member?
There have been a lot of special moments, although the highlights are always watching our clients sing along and dance during concerts and entertainment – it brings us all joy. Another memorable moment or I should say moments, have been the weekly Friday afternoon visits by one of our clients to my office. We would spend time chatting and laughing together about some of the silliest things and other times we would sit in silence whilst I continued to complete my tasks. Either way we would just enjoy each other’s company.

What pearls of wisdom or words of encouragement do you live by?
A simple smile. That’s the start of opening your heart and being compassionate to others.

What hobbies or interests do you have outside of work?
Spending time with family and friends. Love the ocean, beach, long walks and gardening.

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